On Writing
I started the journey of writing for publication a few years ago. And I had a lot to learn.
I still do. I have written articles of what I discovered about The Writing Life,
The Craft of Writing, and The Business of Writing.
Come back often to read my latest thoughts and musings.
These articles provides information, tips and insights about the writing life, especially when it
clashes it the other realities in life.
Articles here are on the mechanics of writing. Find such topics like Point of View, Dialogue, and Plotting.
As an unpublished author, the only light at the end of the tunnel that I see is getting the novel done, sending it off
to editors and earning that coveted contract. In actually, at the end of that tunnel is a train. It is a matter of how quick
you are to get out of its way. I am learning that it is important to be knowledgeable about the business of writing. Yes,
if you too want to be a published author, you are in essence setting up a business where you are the owner and your product
are your novels. The words business plan, marketing plan, return on investment, and the numbers, then becomes part of your
everyday vocabulary.